
The Poetry of Calvin Hart
Collection One

sure to also check out Calvin's NEW book, "Poems of Praise," containing
121 poems! (320 pages)
I Stand
"The LORD God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand."
~ 1 Kings 17:1 ~
Peer Pressure
"Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly,
nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful."
~ Psalm 1:1 ~
A Mother's Prayer
"He maketh the barren woman to keep house,
and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the LORD."
~ Psalm 113:9 ~
The Old Bible
"O how love I thy law! it is my meditation all the day."
~ Psalm 119:97 ~
"And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God."
~ Mark 11:22 ~

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I Stand
stand in awe of the power,
Of God our Father and King,
Omnipotent Lord and Master,
Creator of all things.
I stand amazed at the Mercy,
That He has shone to me,
Condemned to burn in a fiery pit,
Yet His love has set me free.
I stand in silent reverence,
And Glory in His word,
The promise of the Gospel,
Are the sweetest sounds yet heard.
I stand in humble meekness,
In the shadow of His might,
His presence fills my soul with hope,
And removes sorrows from my sight.
I stand in admiration ,
Of His capacity for love,
He showers me with blessings daily,
From Heaven up above.
I stand upon the solid rock,
Salvation brought by faith,
Paid for with the blood of Christ,
Secured by amazing grace.
I stand in patient waiting,
For the rapture in the sky,
For the sound of Gabriel's trumpet,
For the Prince of Peace on high.
I stand in the light of His presence,
Sheltered by His mighty hand,
With my Lord and God supporting me,
Against Satan's power, I stand.
~ Calvin Hart ~

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Peer Pressure
ometimes in life it's hard to tell,
What we should or should not do,
Just because my friends do something,
Does that mean I should do it to?
I want so much to be accepted,
I want so bad to just fit in,
Should I join in and follow the crowd,
Although what they do might be a sin?
If I say no, will they laugh at me?
Or no longer be my friend?
Will they think that I'm a coward,
If I don't go with the trend?
When they run the streets,
And smoke and drink,
And generally act a fool,
If they invite me to go,
And I say no,
Will they think that I'm uncool?
If someone hands a joint to me,
And says.."everyone's doing it",
Will I turn and leave like I know I should?
Or will I take a hit?
I'm under a lot of pressure,
To let loose and go with the flow,
It's often easier to go along,
Than to stand and just say no.
On the other hand ....
If I asked them to go to church with me,
Do you think that they would come?
Or would they roll their eyes at me,
And act like I was dumb?
If I should ask those friends of mine,
To kneel with me and pray,
Would they shake their heads and laugh at me,
Then go their separate ways?
Would they laugh at me, if I tried to tell them,
How Jesus died for their sins?
If they do, then I think it is time,
That I found some better friends.
But I will still try to talk to them,
About Jesus and His love,
I'll tell them of salvation,
And of Heaven up above.
And when temptation comes to me,
And I feel pressure, lust or fright,
I'll try to do what the Bible tells,
That Jesus said was right.
~ Calvin Hart ~

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A Mother's Prayer
arm as sunshine, sweet as honey,
Filled with love and care,
Tears of joy, tears of pain,
Describes a mother's prayer.
A plea for mercy, a cry for help,
A thanks for blessings received,
A prayer for a guiding hand,
For those we have conceived.
A prayer of joyous elation,
For the gift of a small precious life,
A prayer of suffering and sorrow,
For the accompanying pain and strife.
A mother's prayer is honest,
With devotion, so strong and sincere,
Borne on the wings of the angels,
Out to Father's listening ear.
Tears of joy at a new baby's birth,
Tears of joy at watching them grow,
Tears of worry, that never will cease,
When into the world they go.
Flesh of my flesh, blood of my blood,
My life's greatest joy and pain,
Who brings the sunshine to my life,
As well as the dark clouds of rain.
Few others petitions, that rise up to Heaven,
Can even come close to compare,
To the strength of love, and intensity,
That is found in a mother's prayer.
Fear not mothers, for your prayers are heard,
And are precious in God's Holy sight,
Find comfort in knowing,
He stands by your side,
And His wisdom is just, and right.
Be honored mothers, and continue to pray,
For yours is a special place,
Chosen to be the creators of life,
By God, in His wisdom and grace.
~ Calvin Hart ~

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The Old Bible
was browsing through the books at a second hand store,
When I found an old Bible, tattered and worn.
The pages were yellow, the binding was scored,
The cover was dusty, faded and torn.
It must have been a hundred years old,
Or perhaps even more,
Well, I bought that old Bible,
From that second hand store.
I went back to my home,
Sat down in my chair,
And opened the old Bible,
With delicate care.
On the inside cover were the faded words,
"To momma, with love from your son",
And I though of the joy that she must have felt,
To receive such a gift as this one.
As I thumbed through the pages I found scriptures marked,
Underlined so carefully,
And I thought of the comfort those scriptures had brought,
To those who owned this Bible before me.
The twenty third Psalms was underlined,
And the Beatitudes of Matthew five,
And I could tell where tear drops had stained the scripture,
That told how Jesus had suffered and died.
And I could almost feel the joy and thrill,
In the hand that marked the scripture in red,
That told how the angels had opened the tomb,
And how Jesus arose from the dead.
I found John 3:16 was underlined,
And Romans 6:23,
And John 14:6, where Jesus said,
"No man cometh unto the Father, but by Me".
As I held that old Bible that I'd bought for one dollar,
I knew it's immeasurable worth,
Not only was it someone's most prized possession,
It was the most important book on earth.
I wondered how many tear drops had stained it's pages,
In salvation so pure and free,
I wondered how many hearts and souls it had touched,
Before it found its way to me.
Now it stands on my bookshelf,
A prized possession again,
A symbol of God's love and sacrifice,
His written word to all men.
~ Calvin Hart ~

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aith is believing with all your heart,
In what your senses say cannot be,
In what you cannot hear or touch,
Or in what you cannot see.
Faith is hard to come by,
And harder yet to hold,
We tend to doubt and loose our faith,
When troubled times unfold.
Faith will keep you going,
When troubles plague your soul,
As Jesus told us in the Bible,
Thy faith shall make thee whole.
Although we do not see Jesus,
We know He's always there,
We know He's never far away,
And we know He always cares.
Although we cannot hear Him speak,
We know what Jesus said,
We know that He died for our sins,
And that He was raised up from the dead.
Although we wasn't at the crucifixion,
We know that it occurred,
We know these things because it is written,
In the Bible, which is God's Holy word.
Salvation depends on a child like faith,
That Jesus died for you,
Believe with all your heart and soul,
And know that it is true.
Ask Jesus to come into your heart,
And wash your sins away,
Accept Him as your Saviour,
Just call upon His name.
So when your soul is troubled,
And hope evades your sight,
Have faith in God, and all the shadows,
Will fade before the light.
~ Calvin Hart ~

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free, accredited and unaltered. Copyright © 2008 Calvin Hart.