
The Poetry of Calvin Hart
Collection Two

sure to also check out Calvin's NEW book, "Poems of Praise," containing
121 poems! (320 pages)
On the Day
"For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief
in the night."
~ 1 Thessalonians 5:2 ~
Dear Jesus
"Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits."
~ Psalm 103:2 ~
It's Not Easy
"These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me ye might have peace.
In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the
~ John 16:33 ~
Our Family
"Who is My mother? and who are My brethren?
For whosoever shall do the will of My Father which is in heaven, the same is My brother,
and sister, and mother."
~ Matthew 12:48, 50 ~
How Long
"O LORD, how long?"
~ Psalm 6:3 ~
The Lord Is
My Shepherd
"He shall feed His flock like a shepherd: He shall gather the lambs with His
and carry them in His bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young."
~ Isaiah 40:11 ~

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On the Day
n the day the sun arises,
To never set again,
On the day that Gabriel's trumpet sounds,
And eternity begins.
On the day that we see Jesus,
Coming from the eastern sky,
In clouds of Golden Glory,
As the rapture draweth nigh.
On the day the sea gives up her dead,
And the graves burst open wide.
When the dead in Christ are risen up,
To stand at the Saviour's side.
On the day that every eye shall see,
And every tongue profess Him Lord,
Christ shall bring everlasting peace,
And destroy all discord.
He will catch and bound the devil,
Then take hold of the Serpent's tail,
And cast him into the lake of fire,
To the farthest depths of Hell.
He will destroy the Heavens and Earth,
And they shall pass away.
A new Heaven and Earth he will create,
With an everlasting day.
And God shall wipe away all tears,
No more crying, sickness or sores,
And we shall live forever,
For death shall be no more.
And in His mighty bosom,
We will find eternal rest.
And He will keep us with Him Love,
And we will be forever blessed.
~ Calvin Hart ~

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Dear Jesus
ear Jesus:
I just thought I'd write this simple note,
To say thanks for all you do.
From the bottom of my heart and soul,
Dear Jesus Christ, thank You.
For every perfect sunset,
And for each sunrise anew,
For every day that lies between,
Dear Jesus Christ, thank You.
For when my soul is troubled,
And my poor heart breaks in two.
Then the Holy Spirit comforts me,
Dear Jesus Christ, thank You.
For the times my life was stormy,
And the bitter cold winds blew,
You sheltered me in Your arms of love,
Dear Jesus Christ, thank You.
For the times when I was weary,
You helped me make it through,
For helping me to my feet again,
Dear Jesus Christ, thank You.
For the times that you forgave me,
For sins committed against You,
And welcomed me back into the fold,
Dear Jesus Christ, thank You.
For the blood You shed upon the cross,
To bring Salvation, pure and true,
For saving my soul with Mercy and Grace,
My Dear Jesus Christ, thank You.
~ Calvin Hart ~

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It's Not Easy
t's not easy, being a Christian,
In a world so full of sin,
When lust and greed and hatefulness,
Are worse than they've ever been.
It's not easy being a child of God,
In a world where He is scorned.
Where the Bible is considered fiction,
And children are killed before they are born.
It's not easy to walk the Christian way,
And turn the other cheek,
It's not easy to stand and be laughed at,
While remaining quiet, docile, and meek.
It's not easy to forgive someone,
For injures done to you.
To keep the bitterness at bay,
And remain a Christian true.
It's not easy to keep your faith intact,
When troubles plague your soul.
But we must keep our eyes on God,
When heartaches take their toll.
It's not easy to hold Christian love in your heart,
For each person that you see.
But remember that Jesus died on the cross,
Because He loved both you and me.
No, it's not easy being a Christian,
In a world where we're tumbled and tossed.
But at the end of the day, when Christ takes us away,
The rewards will far outweigh the cost.
~ Calvin Hart ~

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Our Family
have another family,
Besides those in my home.
Other brothers and sisters,
With whom that I have grown.
With whom I have good memories,
And many good times shared,
Many laughs, and many tears,
With so much love and care.
With whom I share a passion,
A family tie that binds,
That brings us all together,
With one purpose on our minds.
To do our Father's biding,
According to His word.
To tell the greatest story,
That ever has been heard.
To lift our voice in harmony,
In sounds of sweet refrain,
To bring our Father Glory,
To praise His Holy name.
To study on His written Word,
To learn the Christian way,
To thank Him for His grace and love,
As we bow our heads to pray.
To stand beside each other,
Through the good times and the bad,
To be supportive of each other,
When happy, and when sad.
Would you like to join us?
There is always room for more.
You always will be welcome here,
You'll always find an open door.
Accept Jesus as your Savior,
In Salvation pure and free,
Accept Him in your heart today,
And join our family.
~ Calvin Hart ~

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How Long
hristians ask "How long oh Lord?
Until we see Your face?
How long until You come again,
Your children to embrace?"
"How long oh Lord before we hear,
That mighty trumpet blast
That will announce to all the world,
That You have returned at last."
Skeptics say "He is not real!
There is no God we know!
For if there was He would have returned,
A long, long time ago."
Doubters say "He will not come!
Because He does not exist!"
But the faithful continue to watch and pray,
And wait for the heavenly bliss.
It's been about two-thousand years,
Since the virgin birth.
Since Jesus preached His sermons,
And walked upon this earth.
Jesus Christ Himself did say,
"The kingdom of God is at hand,"
But centuries and centuries of time have passed,
Since the Lord spoke these words unto man.
The Bible tells us that one day to God,
Is like a thousand years unto men.
That means its only been a few short days,
Since Jesus died for our sins.
No great length of time at all,
Since the Savior was crucified,
Since they nailed Him to the cross,
And thrust a spear into His side.
No time at all since He arose from the grave,
The power of death and hell to defy.
No time at all since He stood on the cloud,
And ascended into the sky.
Who's clock are you going by?
Who's calendar do you read?
God created time itself,
So who do you believe?
Believe the Holy Bible,
For it is God's written Word.
The surest proof, the purest truth,
That man has ever heard.
Hear me skeptics and doubters,
Your clock is running fast,
Accept Christ as your Savior,
For today may be your last.
Whether you live to see Christ return,
Or die before that day,
You will face God on the judgment throne,
Then what will you say?
~ Calvin Hart ~

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The Lord Is My Shepherd
he Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want,
He provides all that I shall need.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures,
He leadeth me beside the still waters,
He is my Savior indeed.
He restoreth my soul with the waters of life,
With love, and everlasting peace.
He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake,
My fears and troubles all cease.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
And into the grave I go,
I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me,
Lord and Master, keeper of my soul.
Thy Rod and Thy Staff, they comfort me,
In Thy strength I place my trust.
For I am sheltered in the arms of God,
Safe from the wicked, and unjust.
Thou preparest a table before me,
In the presence of mine enemies,
And I shall not be afraid.
Thou anoinest my head with oil, my cup runneth over.
Thy blessings fall upon me each day.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,
A life that shall never end.
And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever,
In Christ's Holy name , Amen
~ Calvin Hart ~

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free, accredited and unaltered. Copyright © 2008 Calvin Hart.