
The Poetry of Calvin Hart
Collection Four

sure to also check out Calvin's NEW book, "Poems of Praise," containing
121 poems! (320 pages)
The Story
"He that winneth souls is wise."
~ Proverbs 11:30 ~
The Blood
On Golgotha Hill
"And He [Jesus] bearing His cross went forth into a place called the
place of a skull,
which is called in the Hebrew Golgotha."
~ John 19:17 ~
The Dream
"Knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance"
~ Romans 2:4 ~
"There are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word,
and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one."
~ 1 John 5:7 ~
Faith, Hope and
"And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these
is charity."
~ 1 Corinthians 13:13 ~
Casual Sin
"If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me"
~ Psalm 66:18 ~

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The Story
ot so very long ago,
I was lost as a man could be,
There never was a sinner,
Quite as bad as me.
I was a rocket bound for Hell,
When I heard an old man tell,
How Jesus took away his sins and strife,
That was the day, I'm proud to say,
That Jesus brought sunshine to my life.
I listened close to every word,
As the old man told to me,
How wonderful, and peaceful,
Heaven's going to be.
He told me of the Virgin birth,
And how angels came to sing,
Of how shepherds and wisemen came to the manger,
To worship the newborn King.
He told me of the man named Jesus,
Who was the virgin's child,
He told me of His gentleness,
So loving, meek, and mild.
I heard about the miracles,
Jesus performed in His Father's name,
He raised the dead from eternal sleep,
And He healed the blind and lame.
He told me of the garden,
Where Jesus knelt to pray,
When the soldiers came and bound Him,
And took the Lord away.
He spoke to me of beatings,
And great brutality,
He spoke of how the soldiers,
Nailed Jesus to a tree.
Then he told me,
Jesus did it all for me.
Well, I just stood there,
With tears in my eyes,
And thought back on my life,
Of deceptions and lies,
To think that for me,
He suffered and died.
I dropped to my knees,
My heart filled with pain,
And cried out to God,
While my tears fell like rain.
I cried, "Dear Lord forgive me,
The many sins of my past,
And save my poor soul Lord,
Of this I pray to ask."
Then something changed deep inside of me,
A feeling I'd never known,
An incredible peace surrounds me,
And I knew I wasn't alone.
I stood up and looked at the old man,
He smiled and shook my hand,
Then said, "I'll see you later brother,
In the promised land."
He turned away, and then he was gone,
But in my heart is a brand new song.
I knew then what I was meant to do,
My friend, Do I have a story to share with you!
~ Calvin Hart ~

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The Blood On Golgotha Hill
've done things in this life that shame me so,
Things I would never want others to know,
These sins of weakness would haunt me still,
If it wasn't for the blood on Golgotha Hill.
Close your eyes and imagine the day,
They came to the garden, to take Jesus away,
Thirty pieces of silver was Judas's pay,
With a kiss on the cheek, the Lord was betrayed.
The soldiers took him, and bound his hands tight,
Although He is God, He put up no fight.
They took Him to Pilate to stand and be tried,
Pilate asked the crowd, should He live or die,
"What is your choice?", Pilate asked of them,
Their thunderous response was, "Crucify Him!"
They took Him, and beat Him, with leather and stone,
With each wicked slash, they cut to the bone,
They mocked Him, and cursed Him, and spat in His face,
Yet He showed them no anger, no hate ... not a trace.
Broken and bleeding, weak from blood loss,
On His back, through the streets, He carried His cross.
They marched Him along, taunting Him still,
To the infamous place called Golgotha hill.
With three big spikes, they nailed His hands and His feet.
While the soldiers laughed, and His mother wept.
Imagine if you can, the way it would feel,
The spear in the side, the tear of the steel,
The agony He felt on Golgotha hill.
As He hung on the cross, His moments now few,
He prayed, "Forgive them Father, they know not what they do!"
With sweet drops of blood, His life ebbed away,
With those sweet drops of blood, my sins were all paid.
It shames me to think of the price that was paid,
The life that was given, the sacrifice made.
It shames me to know that He suffered and died,
For someone like me, who has sinned and lied.
Death and Hell would hunt me still,
If it wasn't for the blood on Golgotha hill.
~ Calvin Hart ~

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The Dream
ast night I lay in fitful sleep,
And dreamt of things that made me weep,
I dreamt of a garden,
Of rose in the air,
I dreamt that I was knelt down in prayer.
I dreamt of the moonlight,
So soft and so pale,
I dreamt of a friend,
And a kiss of betrayal,
I dreamt that soldiers rushed from the night,
Seized me,
And bound my hands and feet tight.
I dreamt that I was charged and tried,
And my sentence was to be crucified.
I stood numb with horror,
As it occurred to me,
The sacrificial lamb I was to be.
How can this happen?
How can this be?
How can this be happening to me?
They beat me with whips,
Tipped with wire and bone,
They hit me with fist, leather and stone.
A crown of thorns they shoved on my head,
With the cross on my back,
Through the streets I was led.
My body was wracked with terrible pain,
As my blood ebbed away,
Like slow drops of rain.
I heard the pound of the hammer,
I felt the nails bite,
I sat strait up and cried out in fright!
Soaked with sweat,
And trembling with fright,
I looked out my window,
At the suns early light.
I looked all around me,
Shaking my head,
Then I realized I was still in my bed.
It had all been a dream,
Yet so vivid, so real,
And I know now the agony,
That Jesus did feel.
I know now the sacrifice,
That Jesus did make,
I know now the price,
He paid for my sake.
I dropped to my knees,
At the side of my bed,
Folded my hands,
And bowed my head.
And I prayed to Jesus,
To be my Savior and guide,
Now in the house of the Lord,
I shall ever abide.
~ Calvin Hart ~

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od the Father, God the Son
And God the Holy Ghost,
Make up the Holy Trinity,
Which is our Heavenly Host.
God the Father who sits on high,
The Creator of all things,
God the Son, our Savior Jesus,
Lord of Lords, and King of Kings.
God the Holy Spirit,
Comforter to the soul,
Who dwells in the hearts of God's children,
On this troubled earth below.
God the Father who rules supreme,
Who sits on the Judgment throne,
God the Son, who came to earth,
To be born of flesh and bone.
God the Holy Spirit,
Our conscious and our guide,
So we may feel the Love of God,
When His mercy is applied.
God the Father, Who so loved the world,
That He gave His only Son,
So that whosoever believeth in Him,
May be saved from eternal damnation.
God the Son, who died on the cross,
And was raised up from the grave,
Who died for the sins of all mankind,
So through Him, we might be saved.
God the Holy Spirit,
Who works through me and you,
To spread His message of love and peace,
And salvation, pure and true.
~ Calvin Hart ~

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Faith, Hope and Charity
aith, Hope and Charity,
Spiritual gifts from our Father above,
Freely given to everyone,
Without Bias, but with Mercy and Love.
Faith.....the gift of believing,
Without need of tangible proof,
The certainty in your heart and soul,
That God's written Word is the truth.
Believing beyond the slightest doubt,
That Jesus was born unto men,
That He was Crucified, Suffered, Bled and Died,
On the cross in atonement for our sin.
Hope.....a gift to sustain us,
When we're plagued with troubles and fears,
The knowledge that Jesus cares for us,
And that He is always near.
With God, all things are possible,
Thus Hope springs eternal within,
That by Salvation, through the blood of Christ,
We may be delivered from our sin.
Charity.....the gift of Christian Love,
The greatest of the three,
Without Charity we are nothing,
Nor can we ever be.
Christ gave us the perfect example,
Of how Love and Charity should be,
He left the splendor of Paradise,
To die on the cross for you and me.
Faith, Hope and Charity,
Should be part of our Christian life,
Demonstrated on a daily basis,
Without envy, pride or bias.
Hope grows from Faith,
Like the beautiful blossoms,
Grow from the Dogwood tree,
The roots that feed the tree and blossoms,
Is Love and Charity.
~ Calvin Hart ~

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Casual Sin
he most common problem facing woman and men,
Is the everyday problem called casual sin.
Casual sin is hard to detect,
It carries no guilt or visual effects.
It seems as innocent as the clouds in the sky,
So it goes unnoticed throughout everyday
Such little things that we do each day,
The thoughts that we think,
Or the words that we say.
The telling of one little innocent fib,
Or gossip about what the neighbors did.
A feeling of hatred, or sickening disgust,
Or one fleeting moment when your Hearts filled with lust.
When we break a commandment set down by the Lord,
Or speak with a tongue as sharp as a sword.
These everyday sins that we think not of,
Like not thanking the Lord for His mercy and love.
We must all try much harder,
And turn our eyes toward the Lord,
And pray for divine forgiveness,
To reach that heavenly shore.
~ Calvin Hart ~

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free, accredited and unaltered. Copyright © 2008 Calvin Hart.