
The Poetry of Calvin Hart
Collection Six

sure to also check out Calvin's NEW book, "Poems of Praise," containing
121 poems! (320 pages)
Satan's Bar-BQ
"Cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of
~ Matthew 8:12 ~
"Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits,
even the God of our salvation. Selah."
~ Psalm 68:19 ~
The Ultimate Hero
"The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost."
~ Luke 19:10 ~
Too Late
"Lest they also come into this place of torment."
~ Luke 16:28 ~
You Can
Run, But You Can't Hide
"Whither shall I go from Thy Spirit? or whither shall I flee from Thy presence?
If I ascend up into heaven, Thou art there:
if I make my bed in hell, behold, Thou art there.
~ Psalm 139:7,8 ~

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Satan's Bar-BQ
ome one, come all, you are invited,
To Satan's Bar-BQ,
He won't be grilling hot dogs or steak,
He is going to be grilling you.
He's got the brimstone perfect,
To burn you through and through,
So come on down, your all invited,
To Satan's Bar-BQ.
You won't be very happy,
But Satan will have some fun.
He will poke you with his pitchfork,
To see if you are done.
But it won't really matter,
Because he will never set you free,
He'll keep poking, and you'll keep cooking,
For all eternity.
Satan hopes to see you,
He hopes you will be there.
He hopes you will spend eternity,
In torment and despair.
It sounds like one real HOT time,
But I've made other plans,
I'll spend eternity with a friend of mine,
With nail prints in His hands.
It will be a much better party,
That the one Satan will attend.
There's an open invitation,
If you would like to join in.
There will be Angels singing,
And no tear drops in your eyes,
There will be no more suffering, sorrow or pain,
And you will never die.
There will be Peace, Joy and Love,
For all Eternity,
So which party would you like to attend?
Which one will it be?
Let me introduce you to the host,
Before the party begins,
His name is Jesus, the Son of God.
And He died for your sins.
Forget about Satan's Bar-BQ,
Join the Lord's party instead.
Close you eyes, open your heart,
Fold your hands, and bow your head.
And pray the sinner's prayer,
Ask Jesus into your life,
Ask Him to save your immortal soul,
To take away your sin and strife.
And on the day the trumpet sounds,
And His children are gathered in,
We'll praise the name of Jesus,
And the party will begin.
~ Calvin Hart ~

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ometimes in life our days get dreary,
And we feel that we are pressed,
Then Jesus sends the sunshine,
And we know that we are blessed.
Sometimes we feel down and out,
Like we have no zeal or zest,
Then the Holy Spirit lifts us up,
And we know that we are blessed.
Sometimes we feel like we can't go on,
That we'd like to quit and rest,
Then the Lord provides us strength anew,
And we know that we are blessed.
Sometimes we feel like failures,
That we could not pass the test,
Then He helps us up to try again,
And we know that we are blessed.
Sometimes we feel like we're in a storm,
A raging wild tempest,
Then Jesus calms the fierce winds,
And we know that we are blessed.
Sometimes we feel like giving up,
Like pointless uselessness,
Then Jesus finds a use for us,
And we know that we are blessed.
When parents hold their children,
Close up to their breast,
And see the gift that God has gave them,
They know that they are blessed.
When we wake up to the dawning,
Of a day so new and fresh,
When we've been given another day,
We know that we are blessed.
When we stop to bow our heads to pray,
And we give the Lord our best,
We feel the touch of the Master's hand,
And we know that we are blessed.
On the day that we see Jesus,
Coming ore the eastern crest,
And we're caught up in the rapture,
We will know that we are blessed.
When we dine at the Master's table,
As a special, honored guest,
And He makes us one of His family,
We will know that we are blessed.
If we consider all that God has given us,
If we would simply stop to assess,
We would see beyond the slightest doubt,
That we are truly blessed.
~ Calvin Hart ~

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The Ultimate Hero
own through the years and generations,
This world has seen the likes of those,
Who have performed great acts of Heroism,
Those are the ones called Heros.
Some names live on in history,
For unselfish acts and deeds,
Many are lost and forgotten,
Who acted from Love or need.
Some are Heros in the medical field,
Who devoted their lives to find,
Cure for diseases that ravage the body,
Or therapy for disease of the mind,
Some are Heros of military fame,
who's bravery is beyond degree,
Who fought in wars and battles,
To keep our country free.
Some are Heros of science,
Who constantly strove for new ways,
To improve the living conditions of man,
And provide us a better day.
Some are Heros of justice,
Who upheld the statutes of law,
Those who served in the courtrooms,
Or answered emergency calls.
Some are Heros yet unsung,
Who acted unselfishly,
A stranger who helped a stranger,
Then faded into obscurity.
Some are Heros of religion,
Who's faith and devotion were true,
Who for their convictions were persecuted,
Who for their convictions were slew.
There is one ultimate Hero,
Who in His love and grace,
Laid down His life in sacrifice,
To save the human race.
That Hero is the Son of God,
And Jesus is His name,
What He did , He did for love,
Not for earthly fame.
He left His home in paradise,
To be born unto mortal men,
To teach His Father's Holy Word,
For remission of our sins.
He performed wondrous miracles,
In God His Father's name,
He raised the dead from eternal sleep,
And healed the blind and lame.
And when His time had been fulfilled,
This hero we call Christ,
Fulfilled the purpose for which He was sent,
As the last blood sacrifice.
He gave His life in agony,
And shed His blood on the cross,
So that by His death, we might find,
Salvation from the lost.
He bought our salvation with His very life,
But He offers it to us for free,
He loves us so much, that He died for us,
That sounds like a Hero to me.
~ Calvin Hart ~

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Too Late
he wind blows cold across the graves,
Of those who died in sin.
Those who died without Salvation,
Never to live again.
Never to walk the streets of gold,
Never to wear a robe or crown,
Never to soar with the angels,
For Satan has pulled them down.
Never to feel, the joy and thrill,
Of the Father's Love and Might.
Never to bask in the glorious glow,
Of God's eternal light.
Never again to know comfort,
Only pain, and misery.
Always to burn in the fires of hell,
For all eternity.
There is no hope for those poor souls,
For them, it is too late.
They will never have another chance,
To pass through Heaven's gate.
They will never have another chance,
To ask forgiveness for their sins.
For upon their death the offer,
Of Salvation did rescind.
It is sad, and tragic beyond words,
The price those souls must pay.
For they will find no mercy,
When they stand on Judgment Day.
These souls of friends and loved ones,
Who are doomed to the fires of Hell,
If they could speak directly to you,
What precious advise they would tell.
They would tell you that God is very real,
And that Jesus died for your sins,
They would tell you to drop to your knees,
And beg for redemption.
For those poor souls it is too late,
There's nothing else that they can do.
But they would tell you, if they could speak,
That it is not too late for you.
As long as you live, it is not too late,
To ask Jesus into your heart.
Once you are safe within His arms,
No power can pull you apart.
So bow your head, fold your hands,
In sincere, and humble prayer.
Commend your mortal spirit,
Into Jesus's loving care.
Accept Him now, before it's too late,
Before your time is at end.
Do not be a poor, wretched soul,
Who died within his sins.
~ Calvin Hart ~

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You Can Run, But You Can't Hide
ou can run, but you can't hide,
God sees every move you make,
You try to act like you do not care,
But God knows you are a fake,
You tell yourself it's not worth,
The personal sacrifice,
The pain you feel for others,
Is not worth the lofty price.
But Jesus did not feel that way,
When our debt of sin came due,
He gave His life's blood freely.
To save both me and you.
It really doesn't matter,
Where you left the cross He bare,
If you search your heart just one more time,
You will find that He's still there.
You might of thought you lost Him,
In the clutter of your life,
In your trials and tribulations,
And in your pain and strife.
But if you look behind you,
You will see that He's still there,
That He never gave up on you,
And that He really cares.
You may have tried to hide from Him,
Because of a sinful past,
But Jesus forgives us for our sins,
And provides a peace that last.
You may can run, and you may well hide,
But no matter what you do,
He will find you, if you hide,
And if you run, He will catch you.
Obey His word, accept His will,
Let Jesus be your guide,
It doesn't matter how fast you are,
You can run, but you can't hide.
~ Calvin Hart ~

You may republish this without permission, provided it remains
free, accredited and unaltered. Copyright © 2008 Calvin Hart.