
The Poetry of Calvin Hart
Collection Seven

sure to also check out Calvin's NEW book, "Poems of Praise," containing
121 poems! (320 pages)
Guided By the Light
"To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death,
to guide our feet into the way of peace."
~ Luke 1:79 ~
No Greater Love
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
~ John 15:13 ~
"In Whom all the building fitly framed together groweth
unto an holy temple in the Lord"
~ Ephesians 2:21 ~
Home In the Sky
"Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with
in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord."
~ 1 Thessalonians 4:17 ~
Stepping Stone
"The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner."
~ Psalm 118:22 ~

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Guided By the Light
orn unto a world of sin,
I'd grown evil in my ways,
And Satan's hand did guide me,
Through the sorrow of my days.
It seemed there would never be an end,
To my suffering and solitude,
Joy was always just out of sight,
And happiness eludes.
My soul cried out for leaven,
For my soul had failed to rise,
Sorrows clung to my broken heart,
And teardrops filled my eyes.
My days were filled with sorrow,
My nights were filled with dread.
My pain had become unbearable,
And I wished that I were dead.
Then one night I went walking,
Contemplating my demise,
When off in the distance I heard singing,
And a flicker caught my eye.
As I proceeded forward,
The flicker became light,
That seemed to beck and call to me,
From the darkness of the night.
The light and song intrigued me,
So I set myself to search.
And found myself standing,
At the window of a Church.
As I peered through the window,
At happy faces all aglow,
I knew that I'd found something special,
But just what I did not know.
So I slipped into the doorway,
Took a seat beside a man,
Who whispered, "Good to see you, glad you came",
Then he smiled and shook my hand.
As I sat there in that crowd of strangers,
And listened to their songs,
I felt a sense of love and peace,
And I felt that I belonged.
Then the preacher started talking,
About a man from Galilee,
Who could turn water into wine,
And could walk upon the sea.
He said He was the Son of God,
And that Jesus was His name,
He said He made the dead arise,
And that He healed the blind and lame.
Then he said this man named Jesus,
Was arrested, bound, and tried,
And although He committed no offenses,
He was sentenced to be crucified.
He said they shoved a crown of thorns on His head,
And took Him to a public place,
Where they beat Him with whips tipped with wire and bone,
And spat into His face.
He said they nailed this man named Jesus,
To a cross at Calvary.
Then this preacher looked me square in the eye,
And said Jesus did it all for me.
He said Jesus died upon that cross,
To bring salvation to mortal men,
And that I could be forgiven,
For all of my terrible sins.
He said all it took was a simple prayer,
To ask Jesus into my life,
And with the blood that He shed upon the cross,
He would wash away my sins and strife.
When they gave the invitation,
I stepped out into the aisle,
And walked to the preacher, who was waiting for me,
With open arms and beaming smile.
He knelt with me at the alter,
As I prayed the sinner's prayer,
And I felt the Love and Grace of God,
Replace hopelessness, and despair.
I felt the mighty hand of Jesus,
As He cleansed my sinful soul,
I felt endless peace, and incredible joy,
As He welcomed me to His fold.
Then I realized that I was weeping,
I couldn't stop the tears that flowed,
I wept bitter tears for a sinful past,
And sweet tears of a salvaged soul.
I'll never forget the blessed events,
That occurred on that faithful night,
When through the darkness of my pain,
I was guided by the light.
~ Calvin Hart ~

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No Greater Love
hey say there is no greater love,
Than when one gives their life for another,
Would you be willing to lay down your life,
For a child, a loved one, or other?
Would you be willing to go to your death,
Would you be willing to face the grave,
Would you willingly draw your last sweet breath,
So that another might be saved?
Is there enough Christian Love in your heart,
To make the ultimate sacrifice?
Would you walk in the very same footsteps,
As our Lord and Kind, Jesus Christ?
Would you have left the splendor of heaven,
To be born unto mortal men,
Knowing that torture awaits you,
To die in the cross for all sin?
Would you willing stand and be beaten,
Until your flesh was torn to shreds?
Would you stand quietly, while others spit on you,
And shoved a crown of thorns on your head?
Would you allow yourself to be nailed to a cross?
Would you willingly suffer and bleed?
Then pray to your Father in Heaven,
To forgive them of the deed?
Jesus did.
He willingly faced a certain death,
He made the ultimate sacrifice,
A debt was owed that I could not pay,
So Jesus paid the price.
With blood from the veins of the Savior,
Salvation was bought for me,
As sure as the angels sing praise to His name,
No greater Love can there be.
~ Calvin Hart ~

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ach of us has a special reason,
For being on this earth,
A special job that is ours alone,
From the moment of our birth.
The Lord assigns a specific task,
To each and every one,
That we must accomplish
Before out work on earth is done,
Although we might not understand,
Our task or intended role,
If we allow Jesus to work through us,
He will guide us towards our goal.
Jesus was given a very special job,
To be born unto mortal men,
To suffer, bleed, and die on the cross,
In atonement for our sins.
Yet His work on earth was not finished,
For He was raised up from the grave,
As a living testimony,
That through Him we can be saved.
The task of spreading God's Holy word,
Is one we all must share,
That's a very small thing to ask of us,
Considering the load Jesus had to bear.
~ Calvin Hart ~

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Home In the Sky
ne of these days I'm saying goodbye,
And I'm going to my home in the sky.
Where I'll never feel sadness, sorrow or pain,
And no teardrop will dim my eye.
I'm going to thank my Jesus for dying for me,
And for setting my poor soul free,
I'm going to praise His Holy name and shout it on high,
When I reach my home in the sky.
Yes, I'm going to my home in the sky,
On the wings of an angel I'll fly,
I'll meet with loved ones who've gone on before,
To be blessed in that sweet by and by,
I'm going to walk the streets made of purest gold,
And I'll wear a bright white shinning robe,
I'm going to live forever because no one will die,
When we reach our home in the sky.
Dear friend, will you join me in the home in the sky?
For the time of redemption draweth nigh,
Accept Jesus as your Savior before time is no more,
With His blood your salvation He will buy.
Now Jesus beacons to you with arms open wide,
Saying, "Come child with me to abide,
Where death will be defied and no longer apply,
When we reach our home in the sky."
~ Calvin Hart ~

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Stepping Stone
ord let me be a stepping stone,
To help others along the way,
Lord let them see Your Love in me,
In all I do or say.
Lord let me be a stepping stone,
Each and every day,
Lord let me be a guide to he,
Who knows not how to pray.
Lord let me be a stepping stone,
Across a raging river of sin,
Lord let me be an aid to thee,
On whom you can depend.
Lord let me be a stepping stone,
Place me where I need to be,
Lord let me guide the blind and lost,
To salvation pure and free.
Lord let me be a stepping stone,
And not a stumbling block,
Lord let me be just one small piece,
Of Christ, the solid rock.
~ Calvin Hart ~

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free, accredited and unaltered. Copyright © 2008 Calvin Hart.