
The Aftermath
By Calvin Hart

sure to also check out Calvin's NEW book, "Poems of Praise," containing
121 poems! (320 pages)
e've all seen pictures on the news,
And some of us first hand,
Of the death, devastation, and destruction,
That a storm can bring to the land.
We've seen the merciless carnage,
Left in a tornado's path,
We know the sorrowful outcome,
Of a storm's aftermath.
We've seen the power and destructive force,
That lies in hurricane winds,
We know the sorrow of loved ones lost,
When the fury of the winds finally end.
We've seen the mountains of rubble,
That once were cites and towns,
That once were homes where families lived,
Until an earthquake brought them down.
We've seen the landscape stark and bare,
Where farms and fields had once been,
Where nothing is left but miles of mud,
When the flood waters finally rescind.
We've seen the horrible images,
Of the thousands of lives that were lost,
In an attempt of Genocide,
We know as the Holocaust.
We're seen the awesome destructive power,
We've gained through technology,
By the lives that were lost, when the bombs were dropped,
On Hiroshima, and Nagasaki.
We've seen the sorrow, heartbreak and woe,
Brought on by the act of war,
When a father, mother, sister or brother,
Shall never come home anymore.
We've seen both nature and ourselves,
In the most violent, destructive form,
But what we've seen yet, can scarcely compare,
To when Gabriel blows his horn.
For on the day of Christ's return,
The fury of God will descend,
And all He has brought to creation,
He will bring to an end.
The sun shall become black as sackcloth,
The moon shall become as blood,
The stars in the heavens shall fall to the earth,
With destruction not seen since the flood.
The waters of the earth shall turn to blood,
The rivers, as well as the sea,
And every living soul in the sea shall die,
As the Bible has said it shall be.
An earthquake greater than ever before,
Will lay waste to the earth's beautiful face,
And every mountain, and every island,
Shall be moved out of place.
Men shall hide from the face of the Lord,
For they fear the wrath of Him,
They shall beg for death to release their pain,
But death will not come to them.
There shall be horrible plagues to fall upon man,
There shall be storms with lightning and thunder,
The sky will roll up like a parchment scroll,
And all creation shall be put asunder.
Do I have your attention? Are you listening close?
Are you prepared to endure that day?
Do you wish to escape those horrors and woes?
Because my friend, there is a way.
The wrath of God will descend upon those,
Who've rejected the salvation plan,
Those who've rejected the Lord Jesus Christ,
Who died for the sins of man.
But the children of the one true God,
Will be safe by the Father's side,
In His glory, His strength, and in His Love,
Safe from the storm they abide.
The way to the Father is through the Son,
There is no other way,
Through child like faith, and honest prayer,
You can avoid that dreadful day,
Don't wait to long to accept the Savior,
We know not what day comes His wrath,
Be prepared to avoid the storm,
Or face the aftermath.
~ Calvin Hart ~
"I heard a great voice out
of the temple saying to the seven angels,
Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth.
And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and
wast, and shalt be, because Thou hast judged thus."
~ Revelation 16:1,5 ~

You may republish this without permission, provided it remains
free, accredited and unaltered. Copyright © 2008 Calvin Hart.