
Faithful and True
By Judith Bronte

"And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white
horse; and He that sat upon him was called Faithful and True."
~ Revelation 19:11 ~
heard a sad one say, that love is not forever,
"Love is just a cruel word, it's promises soon sever.
I thought a vow eternal, our hearts always one,
As sure as life itself, and perpetual as the sun.
But there he stood so gravely, evading my eyes,
Telling me this was best, our love had just been lies."
But I know that true love, and faithful love,
Flows from heaven, I've found it from above.
The LORD my God, is a True and Faithful God,
As true as His word, His love is never fraud.
True love is not selfish, as you have thought,
Did not Christ die? for your love He fought!
Oh broken one, though your heart is scarred,
Come to Christ Jesus, the way is not barred.
I know that His name,
Is Faithful and True.
Know this, broken one,
Jesus Christ loves you!

You may republish this without permission, provided it remains
free, accredited and unaltered. Copyright © 2008 Sarah Fall (aka Judith Bronte).