A F E W A G O O D warning word to sinners, both old A N D young, to take into consideration betimes, and to seek, B Y- F A I T H- I N -J E S U S- C H R I S T, to avoid, lest they come into the same Place of Torment. Also, a brief discourse touching the profitableness of the Scriptures for our instruction in the way of righteousness, according to the tendency of the said parable. By That Poor and Contemptible Servant of J E S U S- C H R I S T, J O H N.B U N Y A N. L O N D O N, Printed by Ralph Wood, for M. Wright, at the King's Head in the Old Bailey, 1658. John Bunyan wrote this two years before being placed in Bedford Prison. This is the third book he wrote. |
riend, because it is a dangerous thing to be walking towards the
lace of darkness and anguish; and again, because it is (notwithstanding) the journey
that most of the poor souls in the world are taking, and that with delight and gladness,
as if THERE was the only happiness to be found, I have therefore thought it my duty,
being made sensible of the danger that will befal those that fall therein, for the
preventing of thee, O thou poor man or woman! to tell thee, by opening this parable,
what sad success those souls have had, and are also like to have, that have been,
or shall be found persevering therein.
We use to count him a friend that will forewarn his neighbour of the danger, when
he knoweth thereof, and doth also see that the way his neighbour is walking in doth
lead right thereto, especially when we think that our neighbour may be either ignorant
or careless of his way. Why friend, it may be, nay twenty to one, but thou hast been,
ever since thou didst come into the world, with thy back towards heaven, and thy
face towards hell; and thou, it may be, either through ignorance or carelessness,
which is as bad, if not worse, hast been running full hastily that way ever since.
Why friend? I beseech thee put a little stop to thy earnest race, and take a view
of what entertainment thou art like to have, if thou do in deed and in truth persist
in this thy course. Friend, thy way leads 'down to death,' and thy 'steps take hold
on hell' (Prov 5:5). It may be the path indeed is pleasant to the flesh, but the
end thereof will be bitter to thy soul. Hark, dost thou not hear the bitter cries
of them that are but newly gone before, saying, Let him 'dip the tip of his finger
in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame?' (Luke 16:24). Dost
thou not hear them say, Send out from the dead, to prevent my father, my brother,
and my father's house, from coming 'into this place of torment?' Shall not then these
mournful groans pierce thy flinty heart? Wilt thou stop thine ears, and shut thy
eyes? And wilt thou not regard?
Take warning and stop thy journey before it be too late. Wilt thou be like the silly
fly, that is not quiet unless she be either entangled in the spider's web, or burned
in the candle? Wilt thou be like the bird that hasteth to the snare of the fowler?
Wilt thou be like that simple one named in the seventh of Proverbs, that will be
drawn to the slaughter by the cord of a silly lust? O sinner, sinner, there are better
things than hell to be had, and at a cheaper rate by the thousandth part! O! there
is no comparison, there is heaven, there is God, there is Christ, there is communion
with an innumerable company of saints and angels. Hear the message then that God
doth send, that Christ doth send, that saints do bring, nay, that the dead do send
unto thee: 'I pray thee, therefore, that thou wouldst send him to my father's house';
'if one went unto them from the dead they would repent.' 'How long, ye simple ones,
will ye love simplicity? And the scorners delight in their scorning? And fools hate
knowledge?' 'Turn you at my reproof: behold,' saith God, 'I will pour out my Spirit
unto you, I will make known my words unto you.' I say, hear this voice, O silly one,
and turn and live, thou sinful soul, lest he make thee hear that other saying, But,
'because I have called, and ye refused, I have stretched out my hand, and no man
regarded; I also will laugh at your calamity, I will mock when your fear cometh'
(Prov 1:22-26).
O poor soul, If God and Christ did [thus] with thee for thine harm, it would be another
matter; then if thou didst refuse, thou mightest have some excuse to make, or fault
to find, and ground to make delays. But this is for thy profit, for thy advantage,
for the pardoning of thy sins, the salvation of thy soul, the delivering of thee
from hell fire, from the wrath to come, from everlasting burnings, into favor with
God, Christ, and communion with all happiness, that is so indeed.
But it may be thou wilt say, All that hath been spoken to in this discourse is but
a parable, and parables are no realities. I could put thee off with this answer,
That though it be a parable, yet it is a truth, and not a lie; and thou shalt find
it so too, to thy cost, if thou shalt be found a slighter of God, Christ, and the
salvation of thy own soul.
But secondly, know for certain, that the things signified by parables are wonderful
realities. O what a glorious reality was there signified by that parable, 'The kingdom
of heaven is like unto a net that was cast into the sea,' &c. Signifying, that
sinners of all sorts, of all nations, should be brought into God's kingdom, by the
net of the gospel. And O! how real a thing shall the other part thereof be, when
it is fulfilled, which saith, And 'when it was full they drew to shore, and gathered
the good into vessels, but cast the bad away' (Matt 13:47,48). Signifying the mansions
of glory that the saints should have, and also the rejection that God will give to
the ungodly, and to sinners. And also that parable, what a glorious reality is there
in it, which saith, 'Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth
alone; but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit' (John 12:24). To signify that
unless Jesus Christ did indeed spill his blood, and die the cursed death, he should
abide alone; that is, have never a soul into glory with him; but if he died, he should
bring forth much fruit; that is, save many sinners. And also how real a truth there
was in that parable concerning the Jews putting Christ to death, which the poor dispersed
Jews can best experience to their cost; for they have been almost ever since a banished
people, and such as have had God's sore displeasure wonderfully manifested against
them, according to the truth of the parable (Matt 21:33-41). O therefore, for Jesus
Christ's sake, do not slight the truth, because it is discovered in a parable! For
by this argument thou mayest also, nay, thou wilt slight almost all the things that
our Lord Jesus Christ did speak; for he spake them for the most part, if not all,
in parables. Why should it be said of thee as it is said of some, These things are
spoken to them that are without 'in parables, that seeing they might not see, and
hearing they might not understand?' (Luke 8:10). I say, take heed of being a quarreller
against Christ's parables, lest Christ also object against the salvation of thy soul
at the judgment day.
Friend, I have no more to say to thee now. If thou dost love me pray for me, that
my God would not forsake me, nor take his Holy Spirit from me; and that God would
fit me to do and suffer what shall be from the world or devil inflicted upon me.
I must tell thee, the world rages, they stamp and shake their heads, and fain they
would be doing; the Lord help me to take all they shall do with patience; and when
they smite the one cheek, to turn the other to them, that I may do as Christ hath
bidden me; for then the Spirit of God, and of glory, shall rest upon me. Farewell.
I am thine, if thou be not ashamed to own me, because of my low and contemptible
descent in the world.[3]